Linda Doherty is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the New Jersey Food Council, a policy advocacy organization representing the interests of retailers and suppliers. She can be reached at [email protected].

Policy, politics, progress and a pandemic sum up 2021 at the New Jersey Food Council. In a year that started with members fully engaged in COVID vaccination distribution and hope for better days ahead, we conclude with boosters and a new variant that is continuing to cause havoc in operations, workforce, supply chain and food prices. To navigate these waters, NJFC redirected our events, virtually participated in the statewide election year process, fended off some harmful legislation, supported several youth employment laws, increased overall membership, grew our educational development scholarship fund and was awarded a $150,000 state Food Handlers grant to train member associates in proper food safety protocol from the SafeMark and ServSafe programs.

We were pleased Governor Murphy signed a new law that designates “COVID-19 Heroes Day” to recognize the incredible work of essential grocery associates, pharmacy workers, and truckers who serve as a lifeline during this pandemic.

While the industry challenges have been daunting, it’s created opportunity for the food council to serve as a valued partner and resource as members wade through these extraordinary times.


Case in point is the high cost of fuel. Our energy consultants completed an electricity supply contract that will reduce electricity prices for participating members by $2 million on an annual basis and provide savings between 5-20 percent compared to current record prices.

Looking forward, we have a full agenda in 2022. New Jersey is only months away from implementation of a new State law that bans disposable paper and plastic shopping bags and polystyrene foam food service products. In preparation, NJFC launched with government partners a statewide Bag Up NJ education campaign, informing the business community and educating shoppers about the new law. NJFC also created five working groups to work through the challenges of the bag ban.

By spring, the statewide rollout of the eWIC pilot will be completed and all NJ WIC customers will have access to this electronic payment processing program for a swift checkout experience.

There will be a leadership transition in January 2022 with Andrew Kent of Glass Gardens becoming chairman of the board, Suzanne DelVecchio of QuickChek Corporation becoming vice chair, and Mike Styer of Acme becoming secretary. We look forward to collaborating with this ensemble of distinguished leaders.

We bid farewell to Joe Sofia of Wegmans who has been a dynamic and thoughtful chairman. His insight, intellect and passion have led NJFC through our most difficult days and we are grateful for Joe’s selfless leadership and friendship.

In these uncertain times, there is one thing I know for sure, the leadership of our executive team, extraordinary work of the NJFC staff, camaraderie of our trade members, financial support of our sponsors, engagement of our committees, investment in our scholarship fund and spirit of our membership, allowed us to overcome the obstacles of this pandemic and thrive in 2021. We are grateful for the undeniable support and our work continues in 2022. We look forward with hope, optimism, a new leadership team and plans for a bright future.