Linda Doherty is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the New Jersey Food Council, a policy advocacy organization representing the interests of retailers and suppliers. She can be reached at [email protected].

In 2014, the New Jersey Food Council board of directors launched the Food Council Leadership Development Program for future leaders who have a passion for working in the food industry, possess an interest in the dynamics and trends of government, and who want to make a difference in the direction of this industry. This program combines elements of mentoring, organizational education, leadership, policy trends, skill training and guiding experiences.

NJFC member companies nominate potential candidates for participation in the program and only a limited number of individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to the business and who have great potential for growth and advancement in the food distribution business are accepted.

One of the main goals of this program is to educate future leaders on public policy areas that impact their business model and expand their network beyond the silos of their respected organizations with like-minded individuals who work in New Jersey’s food industry.


The ultimate intention is for the training and mentoring they receive throughout this entire program will not only help advance their careers, but also ensure the NJ food industry and NJFC continue to flourish as they develop as leaders.

To date, six classes made up of more than 50 professionals have graduated from the program and their impact has been immediate. Today, some of the graduates serve on our board, regularly participate in committees or lead as committee chairs. The pay-off of the talent, enthusiasm and commitment of these young leaders is remarkable.

Our most encouraging example of the investment of this program is the nomination and election of the newest NJFC chairman of the board, Andrew Kent of Glass Gardens ShopRite, a graduate of our inaugural leadership development class in 2014. Andrew is an impressive grocery executive and recently was named by NJ BIZ as a next generation business leader in New Jersey. Andrew has expressed his intention to follow the path of the past 21 chairs and continue to instill the values and principles that have endured over the course of the last 53 years.

Andrew will work with a robust officer team supported by Suzanne DelVecchio of QuickChek as vice chair, Mike Styer of Acme as secretary, Mike Rothwell of Pennington Quality Market as treasurer, and Mike Biase of Mission Foods as associate vice chair. With their combined knowledge, passion and experience of the NJ marketplace, members will be left in the best of hands.

As we head into this new year with Andrew at the helm of this new leadership team, we know these are challenging times with some tough issues on the horizon in Trenton and Washington, DC. Areas we expect to focus on include updating our NJFC Strategic Plan in a post-COVID world, supporting our in-person events, growing our Educational Scholarship program, and examining ways to expand our workforce.